Josh Ring 5. When I had sat down, I saw that most of the girls were basically done eating. I tried to eat as quickly as I could because I didn't want them to have to wait for me. I also didn't know if they would wait for me and I didn't want to eat alone. When I finished my lasagna and pizza, I was still hungry. I saw a plate next to me with a few vegetables left over from a stir fry. It was my friends. I asked her where she got it. She said there was a cooking station at the end of the salad bar. I decided to try to get some quickly. When I got to the stir fry station, all I saw was some rice and sauces. I didn't see any vegetables there. I asked the girl in front of me in line if I was supposed to get my own vegetables from the salad bar or not. She didn't answer. I assumed she didn't hear me, but I didn't ask again. I didn't want to seem like a weirdo. The stir fry station confused me, so I decided to just go get some ice cream for dessert. I took an ice cream cone and an ice cream sandwich out of the freezer. 6. On my way back to the table, the girl I sat down next to came up to me and said that she and her friends were leaving. I said that was okay and tried to explain how I didn't know what to do at the salad bar. She didn't seem too interested. She said goodbye and walked away with her friends. I didn't want to sit alone so I decided to eat my ice cream to go. I took my tray from the table and threw out all the garbage and placed my tray in the used tray place. When I got to the door, I let a girl go before me. I held it open for her. She smiled at me and said thank you. I said that it was no problem and walked back to my dorm room eating my ice cream.
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