After sepia photographs
Hila Ratzabi
Teepees puncture the lake, hanging upside down
dropped from the sky
The eagle-catcher has nothing in his hand
A girl on a horse doesn’t know the word horse
An eagle on the medicine-man’s head:
his second soul
Pointing arrows at the sky,
the tribe reprimands God
From the rocks a man leaps into
the water to become the water
Jagged lines drawn in stone:
a record of mountains
The mouths of empty baskets gape at the sun
Humans praying: mouths shut
Email us your comments
Golden Calf
Jacob Staub
July, 2005
Zachary Greenwald
May, 2005
The Hasidim
Hila Ratzabi
April, 2005
Masoretic Orgasm
Hayyim Obadyah
April, 2005
Three Nights
Jill Hammer
March, 2005
Jacob said to an Angel, Tell me your name
Abraham Mezrich
February, 2005
The Knowing
Jay Michaelson
January, 2005
The Other Jews
Hila Ratzabi
Secularism, Kabbalah, and Radical Poetics
December, 2004
A Demonstration in Words
Hila Ratzabi
October, 2004
Singing God's Praises: Psalms and Authenticity
Josh Feigelson
What's lost and found in two new translations of the psalms
September, 2004
Jews, Goddesses, and the Zohar
Jill Hammer
July, 2004
How I Finally Learned to Accept Christ in my Heart
Jay Michaelson
Making peace with Jesus
June, 2004
Playing Eve
Hila Ratzabi
June, 2004
Every City has a Soul
Jill Hammer
May, 2004
David Goldstein
April, 2004
Raphael Cohen
November, 2003
Abraham Mezrich
September, 2003
Meditation and Sensuality
Jay Michaelson
Sex, drugs, and God in all
July, 2003
Abraham Mezrich
February, 2003