Spam Poetry, p.2

5.        blutwurst acting

screamer theorems memorizer postulations that excretion
poach euthanasia technetium tediously bookbind mentors tasting pouches
measured scrutiny brashly meaning borrows acquisition polyphony boggle
baylor populations bract credibly messiahs

activating countryman aides sculpts sauces scorch acculturate bennington
adducting armstrong adding postorder idealizing telepathic boisterous
pokerface estimating adopter podia meld cozen crotchety exponentiation
temperateness politely plushy evince

pooh polecat polygonal pondered coveting tenaciously idealize covariate
coughs testifying courters temptress megabyte mender acne crazing coyote
horsefly asiatic meditate theatricals sec immediate saturated
telegraphers booting testing

6.        courteously tentacle

meets tactics hydraulic armageddon appian terrify annapolis
terminate hottest scalp sealant accusations matriculate pounds saturnine
matriarchal evolved playoff councils politest correspondent adventist
megalomania searchings saute immensely scrupulously

polarogram alexandre bavaria cranelike exacting taunts meditated task
hustles pouch bahrein iii taking acrobacy howls identified illness braver
exposing eukaryote ayers medallions hotrod postman booky expel cosmic

tells bookend accompaniment advisory techniques boards criticisms
scrutiny barcelona tagged expertness crewmen scars mightier memorable
expanses acropolis postgraduate baird midsection melange bothersome
plunger achievable boatload scuffle merlin

tenderfoot scrolls mayor playthings antietam coupons eviction
actinometers hypochlorite pops ar pouted botulinus idealized cranes
tasters scrutinizing evaluation bout tercel acclamation mileage scatter
pointer illustrates megahertz polluted adducible tender satyr hornmouth
bolsheviks bout schemata immediacy boaster blush imbroglio exciton
metabolism brazil tanks microcomputer poultice portraits exonerate
boldness exponent crossarm pours

7.        horseplay teas

crankshaft tankers adventists hypertensive antioch horse
tartly sanguinary exhausts bellingham creating scholastically creates
sculptural bowel angelo scan breadwinner bert postmark tails credibly
meandered bob acuity baird scram

maul iambic boomtown cottonwood acquisitiveness beaujolais identity poems
please according hospitable menace posited tang milieu tension terrier
apollo horseplay midrange thanks evident horrified crosswort exaggerated
midpoint execrate

bolstered bosom adulterates taverna hostler crediting scarcely critiques
exploring poisonous bowled possibly scholastics hugging adolphus bonanza
aberdeen microfilm microinstruction adjoint exert scathe course bmw
polishers creaks acquiesce

[1]       2

Image: Mica Scalin

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