Jennifer Blowdryer and Alvin Orloff
![]() One strategy is to infiltrate, like the nonracist, skinhead, punk gag band, Jewdriver. With Aryan Sharon on bass, the band performs signature songs like ““Don’t Jew Me Like That.” Their official band drink? Cherry Manishewitz. They don’t let a little thing like being Jewish interfere with being skinheads. We like this strategy. Getting huffy and confronting racists – ADL-style – is less likely to produce more of a softening of feeling than say, an all Jewish episode of Elimidate. And why hold your next Young Jewish Voices event at the Sol Goldman Y? Instead, impose it on an unsuspecting general public, perhaps in restaurant-type setting. The great Hasidic Jews of New York have begun to show up not just at lapdancing parlors, but at gay clubs, open mics, and poetry slams. These interminglings still create a festive air (that hat, those curls!) but soon it’ll become such an everyday thing that nobody will notice or object. Here we defer to Quentin Crisp’s dictum that true integration comes not through outraged protest, but boredom. To end on a hopeful note, the turnaround from hipsterdom to mainstream is about five years (see bellbottoms and nose rings). This means that antisemitism will be back in vogue amongst the suburban masses before the end of this decade, and hence, anathema to the hipster, who will once again love Jews. After all, what’s not to love? ![]() Secularism, Kabbalah, and Radical Poetics December, 2004
Freedom and the Ordinary
June, 2003
![]() ![]() ![]() Let them Eat Myth Douglas Rushkoff Hipster Antisemitism Jennifer Blowdryer and Alvin Orloff To Ohio and Back Avi Steinberg The Knowing Jay Michaelson Abba Kovner: The Warrior in Old Age James Russell Men who Laughed Ari Belenkiy Archive Our 610 Back Pages Zeek in Print Fall/Winter 2004 issue now on sale About Zeek Mailing List Contact Us Subscribe Tech Support Links
From previous issues:
Hyatt Regency Dead Sea Resort
A Song of Ascents
Hiding your Sins