Esther Nussbaum Clearly the adult Modigliani was not shy about his Jewish identity. He is known to have frequently announced "je suis Modigliani, juif" -- "I am Modigliani, the Jew" -- and to have vociferously attacked anyone who made an antisemitic remark. Critically, however, unlike Jewish artists in Paris at the time, Chagall, Soutine, Lipchitz and others, who were refugees from repressive milieus or antisemitic lands, Modigliani's first encounter with antisemitism came when he arrived in Dreyfus-era Paris. One wonders if his stridency was a bit of self-promotion in a Paris still besotted by Orientalism. The Jewish Museum's examination of the artist's Jewish identity in the milieu in which he found himself is certainly interesting, though not entirely convincing. In addition to pointing out the few overt Jewish references mentioned above, they attempt to show in Modigliani's work possible references to the sefirot of kabbalah, to the teachings of Benamozegh, who was the rabbi of Leghorn when the Modiglianis were active members of the Jewish community. The curators further claim that Modigliani's Jewishness contributed to a general sense of being an outsider, which finds an echo in the artist's refusal to join any of the prominent art movements of his time.
And yet, Modigliani's contemporary Chagall is widely thought of as a Jewish artist, in whose work Jewish imagery and myth often play central roles. Perhaps Chagall's art is "more Jewish" because Chagall's Jewish roots include experiences of persecution and shtetl life. Perhaps it is because Chagall lived longer. Or perhaps it is because we do not recognize Modigliani's comparatively cosmopolitan subjects and concerns as 'Jewish' in the same way as Chagall's shtetl-dwellers are. Whatever the reason, the apparent dearth of Jewish subject matter in Modigliani leaves one in the uncomfortable position of having to determine if, how much, and in what way, Jewish background and identification makes art "Jewish." It is this question which seems unanswerable. Unless a Jewish artist elects to make Jewishhness a topos of his or her art, even ironically, we are left with ambiguity. The exhibition at the Jewish Museum does not dispel so much as flesh out the myth of Modigliani to include elements for consideration not previously emphasized. Its desire to reconceive the artist and his work may not be fully successful, but the issues raised are certainly thought provoking, and if nothing else, as an opportunity to see more than one hundred of Modigliani's works, the show is not to be missed. The exhibition continues at the Jewish Museum in New York until September 19th. Two other exhibition sites follow: The Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, October 23, 2004-January 23, 2005; The Phillips Collection, Washington D.C., February 19 - May 29, 2005. ![]() Inside Israel's curious opera ban May, 2004
What draws protesters to banal holocaust art?
![]() ![]() ![]() The Spiritual Foundations of Bushism Jay Michaelson Sex and the Golem Joshua Axelrad How Jewish is Modigliani? Esther Nussbaum Steel and Glass Dan Friedman No Matter What, I Wish You Luck Chanel Dubofsky Falafel Ghosts Shaun Hanson Archive Our 500 Back Pages Saddies David Stromberg Zeek in Print Spring/Summer 2004 issue now on sale! About Zeek Mailing List Contact Us Subscribe Tech Support Links
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