Jews and Bush: A Resource Guide
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Hypercapitalism as Satanism
Dick Cheney and the New Age
If the desert feeds the spirit, and Paris delights the senses, what does McDonald's do? May, 2002
Content-rich site on progressive Jewish theology and politics from R. Arthur Waskow. Includes Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi's moving "Prayer for the Election."
Webzine for Jews in their 20's, 30's, and 40's.
News and blogs from Mobius and his crew
Large left-wing Jewish magazine and community
Like Atrios: Big audience, links, excellent resources
DeLong is a brilliant economist at UC Berkeley who works through policy issues thoroughly.
Josh Marshall is an investigative reporter in DC who contributes to left-leaning publications.
Gutsy writer given to entertaining rants.
Detailed poll-watching and election-watching
Provides good explanations of polling data and how to read results.
Academic bloggers
Kevin Drum was the California Pundit, then joined at Washington Monthly. He has quite a following.
Run by an economist (Stephen Roach), this site provides analysis on international macroeconomic issues. Very good, though gets into lots of econo-speak.
Just for fun
Excellent election-related flash animation
Empowering Jewish Progressives Leah Koenig Deconstructing Zell Miller (and Reconstructing Kerry) Jay Michaelson A Demonstration in Words Hila Ratzabi Where Left and Right Collide a debate moderated by Dan Friedman Art at War Bara Sapir Jews and Bush An Online Resource Guide Belly of the Beast Cullen Goldblatt Archive Our 550 Back Pages Zeek in Print Spring/Summer 2004 issue now on sale! About Zeek Mailing List Contact Us Subscribe Tech Support Links