Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture
Jews and Bush: A Resource Guide

Zeek is proud to be a progressive, spiritual Jewish magazine, and has devoted considerable time and energy to critiquing the reactionary, greed-centered policies of the present American administration. We are creating this online resource guide for those who wish to learn more about the upcoming election from a progressive and/or Jewish perspective. We will also be dedicating our entire October issue to the election, and welcome contributions from our readers. (Please see our submission guidelines.)

Resources on Zeek.net

The Spiritual Foundations of Bushism Jay Michaelson
The deep structure of the American Right's appeal
August, 2004

The Virtue of Mediocrity Michael Shurkin
Reading Toqueville in an Election Year
April, 2004

I hear America Bling-blinging Jay Michaelson
Hypercapitalism as Satanism
June, 2003

Constriction Jay Michaelson
Dick Cheney and the New Age
March, 2003

The Other Rally Samuel Hayim Brody
Confrontation and cooperation in the face of odious leaders
February, 2003

Some things have changed, some have stayed the same Jay Michaelson
Alienated politics in an age of ignorance
December, 2002

Manufacturing Dissent Chad Beck
For the Left's voice to be heard, it needs to play by the rules
November, 2002

The Polity Rachel Dobkin
Overheard in Union Square, September 11, 2002
October, 2002

Mourning in America Samuel Hayim Brody
Consuming September 11
September, 2002

Elephant Memory Jay Michaelson
The most evil and deceitful administration in American history
August, 2002

The Failure of Anti-Despotism Justin Weitz
America's shallow globalization strategy
July, 2002

Enraged in the Enron Age Dan Friedman
The rich are ripping us off! What are you gonna do about it?
April, 2002

The Desert and the City and the Mall Jay Michaelson
If the desert feeds the spirit, and Paris delights the senses, what does McDonald's do? May, 2002

What's your point? Samuel Hayim Brody
A WEF Protester Tells You Why He Bothers
March, 2002

Five Groups to be Angry at after September 11 Jay Michaelson
There's a lot of frustration in the air. Channel your rage at the people responsible for September 11 -- and we don't mean those cavemen in Afghanistan.
December, 2001

Jewish progressive resources

The Shalom Center Content-rich site on progressive Jewish theology and politics from R. Arthur Waskow

Jewsweek Webzine for Jews in their 20's, 30's, and 40's.
Features political column by Zeek editor Jay Michaelson

jewschool News and blogs from Mobius and his crew

Tikkun Large left-wing Jewish magazine and community

Fact-heavy progressive websites



More to come... please send links to zeek@zeek.net.

September 2004

Singing God's Praises:
Psalms and Authenticity
Josh Feigelson

Two Prayers for the Days of Awe
Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

How can you be gay and Jewish?
Jay Michaelson

Hiding your Sins
Hal Sirowitz

Retrato de Familia
Bara Sapir

Jews and Bush
An Online Resource Guide

Our 550 Back Pages

David Stromberg

Zeek in Print
Spring/Summer 2004 issue now on sale!

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