Dan Friedman In the past few weeks I have seen a number of excellent films in which the film or the characters move across - translate - from one institution to another. In Kieslowski's Three Colours: White, Karol and Dominique move from marriage to prison. In Shainberg's Secretary Lee Holloway (Maggie Gyllenhaal) moves out of the mental institution and makes a place for herself as Edward E. Grey's (James Spader) bondage secretary/wife. In American Splendor Harvey Pekar makes the transition from comic to cinema, and in the aforementioned Matchstick Men, Roy Waller makes it from rich unhappy OCD con artiste to poor but happily married carpet salesman. In each of these other films the trajectory and tension of the story comes as the initial framework proves unstable or pathological for at least one character, inspiring the search foranother. And in each of these films the new institution is thematized (Secretary's bondage, White closing on prison bars, the frames of the film echoing the frames of the comic in Splendor, the pregnant new wife replacing the phantom con-daughter in Matchstick Men).
Lost in Translation is different. It would be easy to make a film about
self-transformation, like all the various films listed above. But the glimpses
of the numinous in Lost in Translation take place without disturbing the
status quo. On a superficial level, it is the anti-High-Holidays film, because
no change takes place at all. There is no rebirth, no return. The two protagonists
remain unhappily married to other people. There is no dramatic finale
(unlike The Virgin Suicides).
Yet there is nonetheless transcendence.
Happy New Year.
Cinema can help expose ourselves to the world, or it can seduce us to sit
back and relax.
What can a guy shouting 'whoo hoo!' at a concert tell us about a life well
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