Josh Feigelson
Zalman comes up with some marvelously liberating interpretations. Compare the following lines from Psalm 19. The JPS translation offers:
Now Zalman:
This is emblematic of Zalman's style: direct, powerful, colorful. Zalman wants us to experience encountering the Divine in our kishkes and his language has a wonderful penetrating power. Zalman frequently switches God's gender back and forth between male and female, highlighting the limitations of our language and our thinking about sexuality and its ascription to God. Also, more often than not he addresses God in the second person, as You, even when the Hebrew original is in the third person. Take Psalm 77, for instance. The JPS opens, "I cry aloud to God; I cry to God that He may give ear to me." Who is being addressed here? The reader, who is told that the Psalmist is crying out to God, and is perhaps invited to participate, or comforted in knowing that someone else also wants to cry out to God. But Zalman dispenses with the middleman: "I raise my voice to cry out to You, God. I raised my voice and You gave ear to me." This is good stuff, helpful stuff-it brings the davenner, the person doing the praying, to a much more personalized encounter with God through the text. It is certainly a more comfortable translation for our non-traditional Jew than a traditional translation. Nevertheless, some of the translations simply don't work. Psalm 96, for example, feels clunky:
Like too many other passages, this just doesn't flow off the tongue very well, and feels like it is pulled down by the Hebrew original. It lacks the authenticity of the text, and doesn't facilitate a sense of authenticity in the davenner either. Which unveils the elephant question standing behind this entire book: Is it possible to offer a contemporary translation of an ancient work like the Psalms that will really be the kind of vehicle for personal expression and authenticity-in-self that Zalman wants? Fundamentally, even the most liberated translation is still going to take its formal, thematic, and linguistic cues from a text written 2500 years ago in a culture vastly different from our own. Wouldn't it be more worthwhile simply to compose new prayers that speak to us in our own language and idiom? Isn't this search for a synergy of authenticities ultimately an exercise in futility? I'm not sure Zalman would say no. He closes his introduction by noting, "The range of human experience that the psalms give expression to is the glory of this book." True enough. But that doesn't necessarily make them terrific prayers in translation for the contemporary davenner. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Singing God's Praises: Psalms and Authenticity Josh Feigelson Two Prayers for the Days of Awe Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi How can you be gay and Jewish? Jay Michaelson Hiding your Sins Hal Sirowitz Retrato de Familia Bara Sapir Jews and Bush An Online Resource Guide Archive Our 550 Back Pages Saddies David Stromberg Zeek in Print Spring/Summer 2004 issue now on sale! About Zeek Mailing List Contact Us Subscribe Tech Support Links
From previous issues:
The Gifts of the German Jews
Hasidism and Homoeroticism