![]() The Charlie Kaufman of Adaptation is, like Barris, a success - and yet, not a successful success. Malkovich has made him famous, but also created a fictional identity (the genius screenwriter Charlie Kaufman) which, unlike Barris's spy persona, seems to intimidate and threaten its subject. Kaufman's attempts to escape this invasion of his life by fiction fail; the twin dies, the girlfriend isn't his girlfriend, The Orchid Thief becomes the Charlie Kaufman story. "Charlie Kaufman" wants to deal with The Orchid Thief responsibly - to make a movie just about flowers - but he realizes he can't do it. The only movie to be made is "Donald's" escapist fantasy. Lies, not truth - and in 'real life' as well, where Donald succeeds with women, parties till late and writes with ease. Adaptation becomes a documentary about how the twins adapt to one another's success. The paradox of the film is that "Charlie Kaufman's" only escape from this circuit of fiction and fact is the part of his personality that doesn't want to escape, that wants to deal with the beauty of plants. The plants have what Sartre calls a 'facticity,' a quality in and of themselves, which - as Sartre also said - is what differentiates the something-ness of objects from the nothingness of human personae.
Finally, the film itself adapts -- changes itself --
in order to come to a conclusion. The film that Charlie wanted to make,
or felt capable of making, is unfinishable. Charlie himself recognizes
that, and, in a fit of desperation, asks Donald to have a look at the
screenplay. So, from the point when Donald takes up the script in the hotel room,
Adaptation turns into Donald's film, including car chases, sexual intrigue, drugs and the twin's own gruesome death. By buying into every nostrum prescribed by script guru Robert McKee (beautifully played right down the line of seriousness by Brian Cox), Donald-rather than Charlie-finishes the movie with a blaze of drama that Charlie could never pull off.
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