Zeek: A Journal of Jewish Thought and Culture is a publication of Zeek Media Inc., a nonprofit organization. In its print journal, online magazine, public events, and multimedia content, Zeek Media builds community, identity, and culture for the next generation of American Jews. By creating and promoting new Jewish culture with the sophistication and breadth of the best of contemporary culture, Zeek builds a bridge between religious and secular, connects Israeli creativity with the diaspora, and helps to create a vital, inclusive Judaism for the 21st century.
Founded in 2002, Zeek is an award-winning journal that has retained both its independence and its expansive definition of Jewish cultural and spiritual life. (At right is one of our many Rockower Awards, given by the American Jewish Press Association.) Our contributors range from well-known rabbis and professors to emerging artists, musicians, and poets. We value intelligence, independence, courage, and thoughtfulness, and believe that an articulate Jewish sensibility is one that speaks from its place of particularity in a much wider conversation.
Editorial Staff | Advisory Board | Mission | Credo
Archive, Printing, and Sharing | Submission Guidelines | Print Edition/Subscribe
Our Supporters | Technical Help | Internships | Contact us
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Jo Ellen Green Kaiser
Jo Ellen Green Kaiser is the chief editor of Zeek and executive director of Zeek Media Inc. She is also co-editor of Righteous Indignation: A Jewish Call for Justice (Jewish Lights, 2008). Jo Ellen formerly was Managing Editor, Associate Publisher, Senior Editor, and assistant bottle-washer at Tikkun. She has a Ph.D. in American Literature and Critical Theory from U.C. Berkeley, and a BA is from Yale. Jo Ellen has a daughter, cat, and husband, and lives in San Francisco.
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![]() | Jay MichaelsonJay Michaelson Jay Michaelson is the founding editor of Zeek and works with the magazine on development and strategic planning initiatives. He is the executive director of Nehirim: GLBT Jewish Culture and Spirituality, the founder of a $35 million, venture-funded software company, a lawyer, a teacher of Kabbalah and mystical Judaism, a finalist for the Koret Young Writer on Jewish Themes Award, a columnist for the Forward a, the editor of Az Yashir Moshe: A Book of Songs and Blessings (2003), and the author of the books God in Your Body (Jewish Lights, 2006) and Another Word for Sky: Poems (Lethe Press, 2007).
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![]() | Bob Goldfarb | |
![]() | Dan FriedmanOne of our founding editors, Dan is a writer and educator. With a PhD in Comparative Literature from Yale and an MA in English Literature from Cambridge he has taught poetry, literature, and film at Cambridge and Yale. More recently he has headed the English Departments at Schechter Regional and Yeshiva University High Schools. As well as publishing various scholarly articles on film, poetry, and photography he is a qualified soccer coach and certified life guard. Dan writes very serious fiction but is better known for his radio and television comedy writing – most notably for the award - winning British television comedy, da Ali G Show. |
![]() | Bara Sapir
Bara Sapir's academic, artistic and spiritual work is fueled by the dynamic interface between creative expression and spirituality. She is a published author and professional artist whose work has been shown in several countries. She is a musician in the Ladino Ensemble, Adelantre, and educator at universities, institutions and community centers. She earned her BFA and MA from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and an MA from The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. Sapir is Executive Director of Test Prep New York, an educational consultancy that combines skills training with human potential tools for increased creativity, goal achievement and personal transformation. |
![]() | Rick ChessRichard Chess is Professor of Literature and Language at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. He directs UNCA's Center for Jewish Studies as well as UNCA's Creative Writing Program. He has been a member of the low-residency MFA faculties at Warren Wilson College and Queens College, and served for a number of years as writer-in-residence at the Brandeis Bardin Institute in Simi Valley, California. He is now assistant director of The Jewish Arts Institute at Elat Chayyim, located at the Isabella Freedman Retreat Center, where he will be teaching creative writing in a two year training institute that begins in August of 2007. Rick is the author of three books of poetry, Third Temple (2007), Chair in the Desert (2000), and Tekiah (1994). His poems have appeared in many journals as well as several anthologies, including Best American Spiritual Writing 2005 and Telling and Remembering: A Century of American-Jewish Poetry. He lives in Asheville with his wife, Laurie, and son, Gabe. His daughters, Alice and Margaret, are currently pursuing their careers elsewhere. |
![]() | Sarah ChandlerSarah Chandler is the Education Director of West End Synagogue in Manhattan. She recently earned an M.A. in Bible and an M.A. in Informal Jewish Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary, and received a B.A. in Philosophy and Judaic studies from Brandeis University in 2001. A board member of Matzat, Sarah is a contributing editor for Matzat's projects Jewschool, RadicalTorah.org, and the upcoming interactive Jewish education and social networking site Jewityourself. Sarah also serves as contributor to TelShemesh.org.and
MyJewishLearning.com. |
![]() | Ezra Sarajinsky
Ezra Sarajinsky is a lawyer, musician, editor and technician. When away from Zeek he can be found with his His musical guise, Ez and Loretto - a project which has seen him playing his live techno between New York and his hometown - Sydney, Australia. |
![]() | Adam RovnerAdam Rovner is an Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Director of the Hebrew Language Program at Hofstra University. He holds an M.A. in Comparative and General Literature from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Indiana University. Adam has published articles and essays on Jewish literature and humor in several scholarly publications, and has provided the introductions to recent Barnes & Noble editions of the work of Jerome K. Jerome and Saki. He has lectured on Jewish literature and humor to a variety of audiences, and hosted Nextbook programs with Israeli writers in Seattle. Despite having published an article about the aerial pioneer Melvin Vaniman in American History magazine, Adam remains inexplicably fascinated by dirigibles. |
![]() | Joel Schalit | |
![]() | David StrombergBorn in Ashdod, Israel, to Ex-Soviet parents, and at the age of nine moved to downtown Los Angeles. He holds a BS in Mathematics from UCLA, and an MFA in Critical Writing from the California Institute of the Arts (CalArts). From 2000-2005, he founded and ran Jovian Books, a small press based in Los Angeles, and is now working independently on projects with Semiotext(e) Press and Melville House Publishing. His publications include three collections of cartoons, Saddies, Confusies, and Desperaddies; and drawings and stories in small literary journals. He lives in New York City. |
![]() | Rachel Barenblat | |
![]() | Gordon Haber |
![]() | Maya Escobar |
![]() | Josh Ring |
1. We are independent, interested in the highest quality expressions of Jewish culture, spirituality, and peoplehood. We are affiliated with no particular ideology, movement, or identity. We will not cater to orthodoxies of any kind -- religious, secular, communal, or aesthetic. We will not transgress for the thrill, but we will not conform for the sake of safety.
2. We are a Jewish journal, but not a journal of the Jews. We will not be a cheerleader for Judaism, the Jewish people or Israel -- nor will we abandon our love of them. We will neither feign exuberance, nor hide behind cynicism, irony, or detachment. We celebrate Jewish culture and religion not as means to some other end, and not to promote the Jewish people, but because we believe expressions of Jewish culture and spirit to be interesting and inspiring in their own right.
3. We are particular, but not parochial. Thus, we are as interested in what Jewish values, religion, and culture mean to the wider world, as the reverse. We do not believe Judaism or the Jewish people have all, or the best, answers to life's questions, but we do believe they have important ones. We aspire to be participants in a global, multicultural world, but we speak from our particularity, and articulate truth largely in its terms.
4. We aspire to be intelligent, and believe in the value of intelligent, authentic culture. We believe that serious art, good writing, and cutting-edge culture matter, even if it is not mass popular culture. We are not interested in dumbing down, or in catering to the lowest common denominator; we are interested in raising the level of the highest.
5. We do not seek to reinforce anyone's self-image, convince anyone to be or do anything, or present anything other than what we consider to be the best, most interesting, funniest, smartest, and most beautiful thought and culture we can publish. Quality and truth are our only agendas.
6. We are interested in art, not kitsch. We will not pretend that the privileged, parochial, Ashkenazic milieu in which we grew up is meaningful Jewish culture, and we will never confuse cliche with meaning. We will never say "oy vey."
7. We will not sacrifice intellectual rigor for the sake of spiritual contentment; nor will we use our intellect to mask fears, doubts, and self-imposed limitations on our potential. We find the smugness of the cynic and the soft-mindedness of the believer equally repellent to truth. 'Secular' and 'religious' are idols of identity, which we wish to efface. We seek to promote work which integrates mind, body, heart, and spirit, leaving nothing behind. We pursue excellence in all these areas, and believe that abandoning any one of them, no matter how fashionable or 'cool,' is an act of dehumanization.
8. We prefer questions to answers, aspirations to achievements, and horizons to boundaries. We seek the new, not the familiar; the transformative, not the translative; the innovative, not the traditional.
9. We are committed to building a new form of Jewish community and identity, one which is serious, playful, pluralistic, committed, inclusive, and cosmopolitan. We are interested in wherever the new Jewish cultures lead.
10. We are progressive aesthetically, politically, religiously, and culturally. While we do not espouse any political or cultural agenda, we do not cling to traditional norms, particularly when they cause suffering. We are suspicious of any truths that claim to be universal, any values that justify cruelty, and any ideologies which reduce the complex to the simple.
Most of Zeek is available online, free of charge — over 700 pages of past articles, poems, photos, and reviews. You are welcome to link to and print all of Zeek's articles, but we ask that you link to us every time you do so. All material on www.zeek.net is Copyright © 2002-2008 by Metatronics Inc., and the respective authors. We ask — indeed, demand — that you give due credit to Zeek & the author upon excerpting, photocopying, or plagiarizing. Thanks.
Zeek welcomes and often publishes unsolicited submissions of original poetry, art, fiction, and essays. Please look over our mission statement, as well as current and past content, before sending us your work. Submissions are accepted via EMAIL ONLY to zeek@zeek.net. We prefer text be pasted straight into the text of the email, rather than sent as attachments. Only unpublished work is considered; art or text that has appeared in books, magazines, or websites should not be submitted. Copyrights are retained by the author, but Zeek must be credited on any subsequent republications of work that first appears here.
Zeek is published in print twice annually, once in the fall and once in the spring. 75% of the material in the print magazine has not appeared, in any form, on the web version. Click here to purchase the Fall 2007 issue of Zeek Magazine with your major or minor credit card, or to subscribe -- subscriptions are available for $25 for two year or $35 for three years.
Zeek is a small, non-profit organization, published independently, and largely by people who donate their time. We are grateful to our foundation supporters, the Dorot Foundation, Natan, the Nathan Cummings Foundation, and the Louis J. Kuriansky Foundation, as well as the New York State Council on the Arts, for their generous support of Zeek. We also invite you to make a donation to Zeek, which will enable us to continue and grow this important venue for independent, new Jewish culture.
Because of variations among Internet browsers and platforms, you may not be seeing Zeek the way we'd like you to see it. Zeek is optimized for Internet Explorer version 5 or higher. There are known to be problems with versions of Netscape earlier than 4.72, some versions of Mozilla and Internet Explorer, and with certain older AOL browsers. For the optimum Zeek experience, please consider upgrading your browser to the newest version of Internet Explorer or one of its open source competitors. Zeek is best viewed with the Futura fonts (Futura Md BT and Bk BT) installed and with javascript enabled on your browser.
Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture (www.zeek.net) is currently seeking interns to work with the Art Editor, and the general editors, to work part-time on the magazine's art department, development, editorial, sales, marketing, and distribution efforts. This is an excellent opportunity for college students or post-college individuals seeking experience, connections, and practice in the world of journalism, Jewish professional life, or the New York arts scene.
For more information go to our Internships page.
Zeek: A Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture
P. O. Box 1342
New York, NY 10116
T:(212) 666-1404
F:(646) 843-4737