![]() So yeah, the routine is: yoga in the morning uber long walk shop beach coke fish sunset dinner (cruise on the boat?) TV bed 2 weex. It's been a gr8 year...the best of my life. This year eye put out a novel, starred in a real movie (look up HEY DJ on Imdb.com), and quasidated my favor8 rock God on the planet (zwan.com). Next year eye hope 2 do more of the same, only on an even higher level, and eye'd like 2 have lots of Grover Clevelands backing me up as the fruits of my labors. Lots of self-promotion and damn it, let's break this celibacy already. The thing is, eye've w8ed so long now, the next person will have 2 B uber special or it will B anticlimactic, Eye can't just give away my reborn virginity 2 N E 1, not even the ultra hot 19 year old Cuban liquor shopkeeper eye left back in Miami...along with my EX husband. O, & ASK can relax...there R no pir8s here. This ain't even the Caribbean...eye found out we R still in the Hotlantic...the Caribbean is further South...Like eye will B...next month, writing U from Thailand where eye'll B lucky 2 find an Internet cafe... unless eye'm Banging Kok. HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVERYBODY
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