Untitled, by John Hall

John Hall is likened to an urban archaeologist: he produces still life paintings that mine the rich complexity of contemporary urban life. He did his training in art at the Alberta College of Art, Calgary and the Instituto Allende, Mexico in the 1960s. Currently he holds a professorship emeritus at the University of Calgary. He now lives and works in Kelowna, British Columbia. John Hall was elected to membership in the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts in 1975. His work can be seen at the Art Ark Gallery in British Columbia, and found on the web at www.theartark.com.

More cover art:

Pamela Yates, Summer Sleeping

Paul Mindell, Greens, Jeans, and InBetweens

Jay Michaelson, Mayflowers

Bara Sapir, untitled

Bara Sapir, untitled

Jay Michaelson, Ice Tree

Jay Michaelson, untitled

Jay Michaelson, Eldorado Chanukah

Jose Campos, III, untitled

Jay Michaelson, Shofar Kitsch

Mica Scalin, Plates

Mica Scalin, Untitled

Jay Michaelson, Go in Peace

Mica Scalin, Hope

Mica Scalin, Plague Cookies

Jay Michaelson, The Park in Winter
