Here you will find over 300 pages of reviews, essays, poetry, and original creative writing covering a wide range of Jewish expression and experience, from the first two years of Zeek magazine. For an archive of 2004-2006 material, please click here. Zeek appears in print and online; all our online material is made available here, free of charge. Past print issues may be purchased here. We encourage you to share, link to, and print out the work here. However, please note that all contents are copyright 2002-2003 Metatronics Inc. and the authors. Duplication is allowed only with prior written permission from Zeek.
Archive categories:
Culture & Art Books Fiction, Essay, & Memoir Film, Theater & Media Jay's Head Music Politics Poetry & Dramatic Writing Photography Spirit
The Art of Enlightenment
Jay Michaelson
War and Not-War
Dan Friedman
Strasbourg Cathedral
Michael Shurkin
If Only It Were All Just Art
Michael Shurkin
Wrestling with Installation Art
Michael Shurkin
Eye Candy
Michael Shurkin
Why We Still Need Beethoven
Michael Shurkin
The Aesthetics of Power
Michael Shurkin
Drawing a Line in the Cheese
Michael Shurkin
Edward Weston and the "M" Word
Michael Shurkin
Knowledge, Community, Irony, and Love
Jay Michaelson
Tom Slattery
Mystical Nazi Sex Gods
Jay Michaelson
Run Like the Wind
Jay Michaelson and Dan Friedman
Radical Evil
Michael Shurkin
July, 2003 Symposium of Douglas Rushkoff's Nothing Sacred
Reinventing the Wheel
Michael Shurkin
They Gonna Crucify Me
Ken Applebaum
Fleeing Edges
Noam Mor
Anything You Want to Be
Ben Cohen
No Pulp
Dan Friedman
More than This
Dan Friedman
Holocaust Video Testimonies
Dan Friedman
Simulacra and Science Fiction
Dan Friedman
Antifada Paratrooper
Michael Kuratin
Genuine Authentic Gangsta Flava
Dan Friedman
What is Charlie Kaufman Doing?
Dan Friedman
Far from Heaven: Excavating Paradise
Peter Conklin and Dan Friedman
Eminem & Class Rage
Dan Friedman
Red Dragon: Light but no Heat
Matt Huntington
Everybody wants to play with a bigger train set
Dan Friedman
Fast Track from Ridgemont High
Dan Friedman
Keep Your Eyes Peeled
Dan Friedman
Of Spiders and Clones
Dan Friedman
The Nature of Authority
Dan Friedman
9/11: Tony's Story
Dan Friedman
Domestic Violence in the Global Village
Dan Friedman
Upright Values
Dan Friedman
Digitizing Celluloid
Dan Friedman
Jay Michaelson
Season of Revision
Jay Michaelson
What is Burning Man?
Jay Michaelson
The Queer Guy at the Strip Club
Jay Michaelson
Meditation and Sensuality
Jay Michaelson
I hear America Bling-blinging
Jay Michaelson
Jay Michaelson
What the World is...
Jay Michaelson
Quality of Life
Jay Michaelson
Go as Far as Possible
Jay Michaelson
Are we all asleep?
Jay Michaelson
Top Ten Lessons for New Homosexuals
Jay Michaelson
The Warm, Impossible, Wall-less Summer World
Jay Michaelson
The Ghost and the Machine
Jay Michaelson
Loneliness and Faith
Jay Michaelson
On Eighth Avenue in New York
Jay Michaelson
The Desert and the City and the Mall
Jay Michaelson
Cheap Jews try to Save the World
Jay Michaelson
Skepticism Does Not Exist
Jay Michaelson
How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love the
Jay Michaelson
Whoo Hoo!
Jay Michaelson
McDonald's: A Better Opiate for the Masses?
Jay Michaelson
Learning about the Meaning of Life at Kinko's
Jay Michaelson
Koby Israelite
Matthue Roth
With a Bible and a Gun
Samuel Hayim Brody
Beats, Rhymes, and Nigguns
Matthue Roth and Juez
I'm Hearing Music from a Different Time
Zeek staff
Eminem & Class Rage
Dan Friedman
And the Jester Sang for the King and Queen
Bex Schwartz
Sounds those Chimes of Freedom
Bex Schwartz
Seeing Dylan and/or Divine Revelation
Jay Michaelson
Will the Strokes save Rock & Roll?
Jay Michaelson
Raphael Cohen
Trembling Before You
Matthue Roth
Chanel Dubofsky
Stones of Jerusalem
David Goldstein
Not Mentioned
Hal Sirowitz
I Wish I Was...
Harbeer Sandhu
fish rain
Susan H. Case
yom kippur
Sara Seinberg
The Reason for Jellyfish
Hal Sirowitz
Ron Mohring
The Relentless Pull of Genetic Memory
Dan Lupkin
Julia Glassman
Repentance Poem #4
Matthue Roth
four untitled poems
Joseph Dobkin
Matt Morris
Matthue Roth
Josh Ring's Track Meet
Josh Ring
Experimental Values
Shaun Hanson
mako shark insanity!
Adam Sontag
Deep, Jewish Pain
Andrea Liu
Damp Memories
Joseph Dobkin
Four Israeli Intelligence Directors: The Yediot Interview
Are the Ten Commandments Really Carved in Stone?
Joel Shurkin
French Antisemitism
Michael Shurkin
Zionism and Colonialism
Michael Shurkin
Shtupping in the Shadow of the Bomb
Marissa Pareles
The Red-Green Alliance
Dave Hyde
Michael Shurkin
The Other Rally
Samuel Hayim Brody
Some things have changed, some have stayed the same
Jay Michaelson
Manufacturing Dissent
Chad Beck
The Polity
Rachel Dobkin
Mourning in America
Samuel Hayim Brody
Elephant Memory
Jay Michaelson
The Failure of Anti-Despotism
Justin Weitz
Finding a Place in the Minefield:
On Being a Leftist and a Zionist
Jay Michaelson
Enraged in the Enron Age
Dan Friedman
What's your point?
Samuel Hayim Brody
Faces of Death
Thomas Vinciguerra
Counterculture and Democracy
Jay Michaelson
Five Groups to be Angry at after September
Jay Michaelson
Temima Fruchter
Run Like the Wind
Jay Michaelson and Dan Friedman
Culture and Art
The Ritual of Family Photography
Amy Datsko
Constitutive ritual for distributed families
May, 2003
James Turrell and the truth of light
April, 2003
The ambiguities of art and life
March, 2003
The soft borders between Jewish particularism and universalism
February, 2003
Anxiety on the National Mall
January, 2003
Arte Povera, Damien Hirst, and annoying pomo intellectualism
December, 2002
Pierre Bonnard at the Phillips Collection
November, 2002
Why modern art survives in a postmodern age
October, 2002
The Art of the Press Conference
September, 2002
Totalitarianism, kitsch, and Mamma Mia
August, 2002
What is modernism?
July, 2002
What's the difference between laughing with art and laughing at it?
June, 2002
At college art classes, looking for the real art among the posing.
May, 2002
What draws protesters to banal holocaust art?
April, 2002
Two Zeek editors discuss running, spirituality, and Running the Spiritual Path
December, 2003
Bernard Henri-Levy on the death of Daniel Pearl
September, 2003
The Sacred and the Profane
Douglas Rushkoff and Jay Michaelson
Douglas Rushkoff talks with Zeek about the future of Judaism
July, 2003
A review of Douglas Rushkoff's Nothing Sacred
July, 2003
A 'lapsed Jew' responds to Nothing Sacred
July, 2003
Fiction, Essay and Memoir
December, 2003
July, 2003
Film, Theater, TV & Media
The superficial thrills of Kill Bill
November, 2003
Lost in Translation: A snapshot of the evansescent
October, 2003
The other reality TV
August, 2003
May Tricks: Reel-or-Dead?
June, 2003
The new Israeli smash hit
May, 2003
Ali G.: The Poseur's Poseur
April, 2003
The interdependence of fantasy and reality
February, 2003
Viewing the 1950s through its own fantastic prism
January, 2003
Will the star of 8 Mile be America's next working class hero?
December, 2002
How Hollywood misunderstands fear
November, 2002
How to be Spike Lee instead of another Clocker
October, 2002
Sean Penn and intertextuality
September, 2002
The limited vision of Minority Report
August, 2002
The personal politics of this summer's blockbusters.
June, 2002
A review of "The Paradise Institute," a meditation on frames, judgment,
and power.
May, 2002
CBS's packaging of the '9/11' documentary reveals exactly what America
fails to understand about September 11.
April, 2002
Frederick Wiseman takes us inside the pervasive, sinister institution of
domestic violence.
March, 2002
Cinema can help expose ourselves to the world, or it can seduce us to sit
back and relax.
February, 2002
Harry Potter is cute, but is it a bad thing that adults crave escapism?
Jay's Head
What is 'energy'? Is it nonsense?
November, 2003
Changes of season and changes of heart
October, 2003
Why Black Rock City matters
September, 2003
or, The Opposite of Sex
August, 2003
Sex, drugs, and God in all
July, 2003
Hypercapitalism as Satanism
June, 2003
Dick Cheney and the New Age
March, 2003
...and what to do about it
February, 2003
What my grandmother's suffering teaches
January, 2003
Life beyond the idea of limits
December, 2002
When life seems irresolvably absurd
November, 2002
Tips and advice from my first gay year
October, 2002
Summer days, summer nights are gone...
September, 2002
Why is it easier to see God in nature than in the city?
August, 2002
Being at one with Being
July, 2002
New York, full of life, a cure for loneliness.
June, 2002
If the desert feeds the spirit, and Paris delights the senses, what does
McDonald's do?
May, 2002
Am I an environmentalist for the same reasons I don't like to spend money?
April, 2002
With stories today about space aliens and the power of prayer, what are
the limits of your enlightened skepticism?
March, 2002
When is it okay to like what the uncool kids like?
January, 2002
What can a guy shouting 'whoo hoo!' at a concert tell us about a life well
November, 2001
If crass capitalism stops us from killing each other, is it such a bad
thing after all?
October, 2001
What's the right perspective, close up where everything matters, or from a distance,
where it doesn't?
August, 2001
From Israeli speed-metal to Jewish post-jazz
November, 2003
The prophetic justice of Johnny Cash
October, 2003
Four modern Orthodox breakbeat musicians on Jewish art
May, 2003
Zeek remembers Joe Strummer
January, 2003
Will the controversial rapper be America's next working class hero?
December, 2002
How Weird Al changed my life, and Randy Newman changed the world.
April, 2002
Mariah Carey? Bleagh! Where's the next Country Joe & the Fish to protest
the 'New War'?
March, 2002
Two related theories about Bob Dylan, or, a review of his November 19,
2001 show, in which divine revelation plays a significant role.
December, 2001
Strokes, Hammerstein Ballroom, Halloween 2001. History in the making?
November, 2001
Poetry and Dramatic Writing
November, 2003
September, 2003
September, 2003
August, 2003
July, 2003
June, 2003
May, 2003
April, 2003
March, 2003
February, 2003
December, 2002
November, 2002
October, 2002
September, 2002
August, 2002
July, 2002
June, 2002
May, 2002
April, 2002
March, 2002
February, 2002
January, 2002
A translation of the November, 2003, interview by an Israeli tabloid with four former Israeli intelligence directors.
December, 2003
The ambiguous truth behind the two stone tablets, recently removed from Alabama's judicial building.
December, 2003
Is France Antisemitic?
November, 2003
Is Zionism Colonialism?
June, 2003
Jewish sex radicalism in the New World Order
May, 2003
The weird and worrying links between the radical Left and the Islamist Right
April, 2003
Fearing the Germans for the Wrong Reasons
April, 2003
Confrontation and cooperation in the face of odious leaders
February, 2003
Alienated politics in an age of ignorance
December, 2002
For the Left's voice to be heard, it needs to play by the rules
November, 2002
Overheard in Union Square, September 11, 2002
October, 2002
Consuming September 11
September, 2002
The most evil and deceitful administration in American history
August, 2002
America's shallow globalization strategy
July, 2002
American Jews and the Situation
Samuel Hayim Brody
Avoiding the obvious Jewish responses to the mideast crisis: a response
to Jay Michaelson
June, 2002
It's a lonely world when you're both an anti-globalization leftist and a
May, 2002
The rich are ripping us off! What are you gonna do about it?
April, 2002
A WEF Protester Tells You Why He Bothers
March, 2002
An exclusive interview with the close confidant of many world despots.
February, 2002
The best guarantor of democracy is subversive, oppositional
January, 2002
There's a lot of frustration in the air. Channel your rage at the people
responsible for September 11 -- and we don't mean those cavemen in
December, 2001
December, 2003
Two Zeek editors discuss running, spirituality, and Running the Spiritual Path
December, 2003